Monthly Archives: January 2011

flashback: gina + matt ~ wedding photography

Lately a few people have been contacting me my with questions… where I got my start, how long have I been shooting weddings, do I have any tips, do I have any location suggestions in Chicago… etc.  And all these questions have got me reminiscing and looking back on the beginning of this whole crazy...

me time

Since the holidays came to a close a few weeks back… I’ve made an extra effort to focus more time on me. When things get busy with work this seems to be the first thing I lose… and next thing I know – I haven’t worked out, read a book, cuddled with James, or just...

chinatown excursion

I thought I’d finish off this lovely week with some photos from my trip to Chinatown last week! I realized I never shared any images… so I thought, why not do that today? 🙂  The back story to this trip is that one of my bosses at my day job thought it’d be good for...

sweet potato goodness (i.e. fries)

Are you guys hungry? If not – you may be hungry by the end of this post. I’m just sayin’.  🙂  Last night I made sweet potato fries to go along with some chicken sandwiches for dinner and I thought… hmm… why not share this delicious recipe with my people?! I can’t remember where I...

tanning, tuition and ghosts…

James and I have had quite a busy (and interesting) start to our year…  The first week of 2011 began with James starting his new job. He’s working 3rd shift at the gym we belong to (yay free memberships! Boo sleeping alone while my husband’s at work!)  And during the day – he’ll be going...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
