Monthly Archives: July 2013

Missy + Dave ~ Milwaukee Lifestyle Maternity Photography

It is baby-palooza in my life right now and it makes me so happy!! Our dear friends Missy and Dave found out they were expecting their first baby this winter and I was over-the-moon happy for them! We just know these two are going to be THE BEST parents and I cannot wait to witness...

Wonder Woman Woes ~ Chicago Lifestyle Photographer

There once was a day (ahem, yesterday) when I realized I am not in fact Wonder Woman. I thought for some crazy reason that I could manage to catch up on editing ALL the sessions I have pending still, shoot a ton of new sessions, hold numerous meetings, and blog 4 weddings this week, all...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
