I’m just going to put this out there… I’m pretty superstitious. (I think my mom may be responsible for it.) If we’re watching the Packer game and one of the announcers says something good (i.e. Aaron Rodgers hasn’t thrown an interception in the red zone the last 20 times!) – you better knock on wood or he’s about to throw an interception because that announcer just jinxed him! This carries over into all aspects of my life… jinxing, superstitions, etc.
So it should come as no surprise that I live by the belief that it won’t snow until I put up my “Let It Snow” Christmas decoration. Of course I didn’t start out believing this… but over the years I’ve noticed a trend. That is: it snows immediately after I hang this out, and it snows until I take it down. (Last year I forgot to take it down for quite a while… hence – this. Yup, that blizzard was all my fault. If I’d taken my silly decoration down sooner… we’d have been in the clear! Sorry!)
And as you guys know, this year has been especially busy for me, so I hadn’t put up a single Christmas decoration all December. (I just kept putting it off until I finished editing one more session, and one more session… and on… and on…) Then on Wednesday night James surprised me and brought home a Christmas tree! I knooow. And he actually really dislikes Christmas trees (the needles, the mess, the puppy probably attacking it), but he knows they mean the world to me – so he surprised me and brought one home! (And of course, he was right – Chloe likes to tear branches off and play with/gnaw on them! Not surprising…)
Anyway – I digress. He brought home a tree and after we put it up (still yet to be decorated) I started pulling out all of my other Christmas decorations. Our stockings, ornaments, garland, lights… and most importantly: the “Let It Snow” snowmen. I finally hung it up on Friday afternoon and told James the whole story about how having this out makes it snow. I said, “I can’t believe I’ve been complaining about there not being any snow yet – and I forgot to put out my ‘Let It Snow’ snowmen!! Duh!”
Naturally, James thought I was a little crazy. Right? I mean… I would too.
That is, until late that very night (early Saturday morning) – when James came to bed and told me… “Christy – you’ll never guess what…. It’s snowing outside!”
Clearly it unexpectedly snowed the night after I hung up my “Let It Snow” snowmen. Yup.
And of course Chloe and I had to go play in it this morning! 🙂
Obviously – I’m aware that the ones of her sprinting around the yard like lunatic are not in focus – but I just had to show you how crazy she went in the snow! (This is our first measurable amount. The last bit we got was a dusting that melted within hours.)
Now it finally feels like Christmas!! I’ll be spending the day decorating our place and our tree… maybe making some cookies? Napping? Watching Christmas movies…? The possibilities are endless! My first real day off to enjoy the season and I’m totally stoked! 🙂
Happy weekending everybody!