I remember thinking August was going to be a “slower” month around here… and while it was slower wedding-wise (we only had one big wedding) – it was super busy with engagement sessions, elopements, Turning Tides Retreat, and generally just playing lots of catch-up from the first half of wedding season!
Thankfully though – in the middle of all of that – we made a lot of time for family this month!!! Normally we don’t see the kids all that often, other than a few hours here and there if we’re in Madison for a wedding… but this month was a different story! So behind the scenes ended up being a LOT of family time and if you ask me – that’s the best time! Here’s what August looked like behind the scenes!
1. I got as much cuddle time in with Chloe as possible before leaving for Turning Tides.
2. On the way to Michigan for Turning Tides. We just miiiiiiight have all been a little delirious at this point!? haha!
3. I learned to paddle board at TTR! It. Was. Awesome.
4. And then we got home and literally minutes later – these two got engaged!!!!
5. Home again home again and you know that means more Chloe cuddles!
6. Lots of driving into the city in August for engagement sessions & shoots! I love Chicago!!!
1. Life is exhausting. 😉
2. Cool-ish weather called for a overloved sweatshirt & hot coffee! YES! Fall was in the air!
3. We celebrated James’ brother Rich’s birthday! I’m so happy these two have each other and are in the same city! Why can’t my siblings live here too?!
4. We have to move the couch so we have room to do Bob Harper’s Ripped Core Workout (it sound serious – and it is!!), and we force Chloe to stay on the couch while we do the DVD because otherwise she attacks us all 50 minutes. She’s not a fan.
5. You can never have too many mac’n’cheese recipes. Just saying.
6. We hit up the dog beach with Chloe! Chicago has some awesome beaches – we really need to take more advantage of them I decided.
1, 2, 3 & 4. My sister and her husband brought the kids to the city! I have lots more photos of this trip to come – but for now – a whole bunch of selfies on the beach! haha!
5. And selfies at our place! (I realized it was the only way to get the kids to really smile in photos! Because they can see themselves in the screen they’re more likely to smile for me! Win!)
6. The kids left and we all PASSED. OUT. Wow were we exhausted! haha
1. Just a typical break in our office. haha.
2. We got tattoos!
3. These two adore each other & I love it! We had more family time this past weekend! Friday night we hit up the Brewers game with (almost) the whole family (Ben & Dad you were missed)!!
4. Obligatory family photo in front of the park (minus 2 people).
5 & 6. More selfies for smiles! Hey – I’ll take what I can get!!! haha Love these kids!
I have a feeling September will be way crazier and filled with lots of take out and cuddly photos behind the scenes of all the work we have scheduled… but let’s hope it looks a little more balanced like August did, yes?! I’m realizing after going through this why I feel so refreshed this month! Balance!!! 🙂