The Chloe Wrangler ~ Chicago Loft Wedding Photographer

This past weekend when we were home for Easter, I could not get over what a mother hen our little 3-year-old niece is! It was ridiculously cute the way she intervened when her older brothers were fighting, and even cuter the way she insisted on knowing where Chloe was at. all. times.

“Where’s Ch-oe??”  “Where’s Ch-oe??” was a constant question last weekend. haha 🙂 And when “Ch-oe” was around she was handling her! “No Ch-oe! No! Sit Ch-oe!” haha

There was even a time when Chloe was running away from me because she thought she was in trouble, and Sunshine said, “Don’t worry Aunt Ch-isty, I got her.” And off Sunshine went, around the table to where Chloe was hiding, but Chloe didn’t run from her. She let her grab her by the collar and bring her to me. It blew my mind. (And was insanely cute.) 🙂 haha

And what is even better – is how proud I am of our not even 2-year-old pup that she knows to be gentle with little Sunshine and lets her handle her however she darn well pleases without ever getting mad, snapping/nipping, or ever putting up a fight. It is unreal.

Anyway – enough chatter about these two… I had to share some videos so you could see for yourself! Here’s our little Chloe Wrangler! 🙂

(I made these short videos in Vine, which is a new app I’m obsessed with where you can make tiny little 6-second-long videos and share them. Definitely check it out if you haven’t already!!)







The cuteness kills me! Love these two! 🙂


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chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
