As I’ve talked about in the past… it is really difficult for my girlfriends from high school to arrange a time to get together when everybody can make it. For the most part, the only times we are so lucky is if one of us gets married. But last weekend, we somehow managed to get *almost* all of us together (we missed you Lana!) on rather short notice for a little lunch date at Jeanna’s house!
I couldn’t believe that it worked out so perfectly (especially for me, in the middle of busy season)! I happened to be up in Wisconsin for a handful of sessions that weekend, and had a large gap of time in the middle of the day Saturday to hang out. Conveniently enough – everyone else happened to have some time midday open too!! Yay!!
We spent our time just hanging out, catching up on each other’s lives, eating some lunch out on the back deck, and enjoying some cake to celebrate Missy’s birthday! Yum… 🙂 And while I was there – I snapped some 2-year photos of the insanely, ridiculously, unbelievably ADORABLE little Lidean. (I see a lot of cute kids in my line of work, obviously… but oh my goodness… something about Lidean gets me every time. She is so sweet and so freakin cute!! I can’t even handle it. Seriously.)
Anyway – here is a glimpse at our ladies’ lunch and Lidean!
(p.s. I’m SO jealous of Jeanna & Mark’s place on the lake! I may ask if James and I can move there and live in a tent in their backyard. I’m just sayin’.) 🙂
I’d say little Rowan is just as cute as his big sister though, wouldn’t you?! 🙂
And now… pictures from my tiny-mini-session with Lidean!!! Get ready to say Awwww – a lot. 😉
(I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m extra cool and wants to be a photographer just like me! 😉 She won’t put this little camera down! I may have to give her some lessons on how to use it though… haha. So cute.)
She was loving sitting on the upside-down boat initially…
… then one second later she got that glazed-over, I am completely sleepy look…
… and then looked at me like, “Please get me off of here, I’m freaked out and ready for a nap” one second after that. 🙂 I love this one!
I hope you all are making time for old friends, new friends, and family this summer! xo! 🙂
(p.s. For all you photographer’s out there… those last 3 images were all shot wide open on my 50mm 1.2 lens. I’m in love!!!)