
When it’s steaming hot outside I can’t even think about eating anything substantial (or cooked) until I get into air conditioning.  Unfortunately, that’s not a real viable option in our apartment since all we have are two kind of puny window units that do alright for their respective rooms (the bedroom & the office), but don’t do a whole lot for the kitchen or living area.  So lately, that means James and I are eating a lot of sandwiches and small dinners that don’t require any cooking or heat (other than maybe the toaster). 
One of our favorite, most refreshing summertime snacks is cucumber salad. My mom used to make it all the time when we were kids and we loved it. I know I have the real recipe from her somewhere but I have been way too busy (or lazy?) to try to find it lately. So instead, I do like I normally do when I cook – and throw things together until it tastes good to me. 🙂  In this case: a little salt, pepper and oil – a lot of vinegar – and a splash of sugar. (As far as James is concerned, I can never put enough vinegar & salt in.) 
I kind of forgot about our favorite dish this summer (since J does the grocery shopping) until my boss brought in tomatoes and cucumbers that he’d picked from his garden this morning to share with all of us! I oh-so-happily snagged a monster of a cucumber & took it home to enjoy:

               mmmmm….. 🙂

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chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
