We’re in the midst of crazy busy fall wedding & portrait season, so I’ve been pretty awful about sharing personal posts on here lately… so in the meantime, I thought I’d share some photos I snapped of our family off and on throughout the year so far instead! I dropped the ball on doing this regularly as the boys have gotten older, but I’m trying to get better about again!! We’ll start out with their 2nd birthday celebration (which we a low-key night at home with our immediate family & their Uncle Rich)! We also had a little hotel weekend and low-key pool party with my family up in Madison the week prior (you’ll see the one pic with Nana from that right below!), so don’t worry – we celebrated plenty!
Trying to teach the boys how to show they are TWO! haha.
These two are just a bunch of kids pretending to be grown ups!!! haha.
Attempts at photos with their number 2 balloons… you can see how well that went!! hahah!
Gabe spent the whole time while we sang them “Happy Birthday” yelling at the fire/candles for being HOT. haha.
And as usual – Micah dug right into the cake! (We get fancy over here – see that gel icing art I drew on there?! OH YEAH.) Themed Pinterest-worthy parties can bring it!! haha
Now onto some random snaps throughout the year when I managed to pull out my big camera, or film camera! 🙂
Easter at Nana & Papa’s – still cold in Wisconsin!!!
Summ nights in our backyard in Chicago!
Just doing their thing. haha
The 3 amigos!
Our little week away this past August in Wisconsin to a lake house with family!
Where we got married 9 years ago – the Heidel House in Green Lake!
Then skipping right on to fall in Wisconsin – back near my hometown to the pumpkin patch / apple orchard! The boys loved it!
Not sure what that pumpkin did to them!
I swear Nana & Gabie are having more fun than it appears! Ha!
Waiting for the tractor hayride to come pick us up like….
A sneak peek at their Halloween costumes!! Mom fail for having them step outside quick for “one photo” only to realize it was freezing and they were barefoot. Gabie cried, and Micah made a run for it. Oooops.
Happy Tuesday, friends!! I hope these brightened your day a bit!! 🙂 🙂