Escaping the Snow to Sedona & The What If Conference Phoenix

James and I made a narrow escape from Chicago’s winter storm #587 of the winter on Saturday morning. Our flight was a little delayed thanks to de-icing the plane and waiting for the one runway that was plowed to take off… but we made it!



How crazy the de-icing process?! Seriously… first a robot sprays us in orange gunk, and then we get slimed. 🙂


(Somewhere over Colorado on the left, and awaiting our turn at the runway at O’Hare on the right…)



We landed in sunny and 70 degree Phoenix on Saturday morning and drove north to spend the weekend in Sedona. We spent the weekend relaxing, enjoying the Red Rock views, hiking… and even made it up to the Grand Canyon for sunrise this morning (since neither of us have ever been)! Breathtaking!!! 🙂

Then later today we are driving down to a horse ranch outside of Phoenix to attend the What If Conference (the original reason for the trip)! I have a mix of nerves and excitement going on right now as we anticipate the conference. As those of you who have been reading for a while know, I attended the What If Conference in the Dominican Republic last year without James and it actually changed my life. So much so that I insisted I come back the following year, this time with James in tow. I would be lying if I said I weren’t a little nervous about how James is going to take it. I think (and hope) he’ll love it, but my cup of tea isn’t always James’ cup of tea… so we shall see! I’m really anxious to see how it all plays out and am excited for this time away with him to really focus on what we want out of life and dream even bigger dreams together. And of course you know I’ll be sharing what we learned on the blog when we are back!

But for now – we will be a bit disconnected as we dive into the conference and enjoy time with friends old and new. (If you contact me via social media or email, my replies will be a bit delayed this week… so thank you in advance for your patience!)




If you care to see what we’re up to you can follow us over on Instagram under the hashtag #azdeiced (which James came up with as we were awaiting the de-icing of our plane on our way to AZ Saturday morning). Or you can find our individual Instagram accounts via the little Instagram camera links in the upper left sidebar (there’s one there for each of us).

I will see you all back here in a week!! xoxo


chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
