I decided yesterday to scroll through blog posts I had started in WordPress and for whatever reason never published. Some of them it was clear why I didn’t publish them, and others I can’t remember why I chose not to share them. The post below is the latter. It was originally written on August 21, 2012 and has sat in my drafts folder ever since. Rereading it yesterday brought back the original memory of this story and had me cracking up at my desk… because James is a punk. He was when I met him. He was in August of 2012, apparently. And he is still a punk today. 🙂 But I love him for it because he always keeps me smiling, and the story below is no exception. 🙂
Originally written on August 21, 2012 & never published:
Sometimes people tell me they’d like to be a fly on the wall in our house because they’re sure we’re entertaining to watch. I’m not sure that’s true at all… but in light of that comment – here is a random story from the Tyler household this week. (It’s been a rough week around here – so I thought we’d share some funnies on the blog in hopes of turning things around!!!)
Our day off on Monday ended up not being a day off and was kind of a stink day all together… so we were determined to end it on a better note. We made dinner together and had a couple drinks, at which point James challenged me to a contest. Those of you who know us – know that we are both very competitive people – so naturally, I said – Bring it on!
James: Let’s have a contest who can do the most sit-ups on the exercise ball! (Our new exercise ball is a day old, it’s playing double duty as exercise equipment & my desk chair!)
Me: Heck yes! (Knowing in my head I’m totally going to beat him at this because I use the exercise balls for abs at the gym…)
James: You go first.
Me: Okaaay. (I hesitated, because truthfully – I wanted him to go first so if he could only do 30 then I knew I only had to do 31 to win. But this way I had to do as many as I could just in case he could do more than I thought he could. Oh well, I agreed and off we went.)
I did 51 sit-ups. (At about sit-up #40 Chloe started to attack me on the ball…)
Then James sat down to start his round. He did 11 (with Chloe attacking him the whole time) and stopped.
James: I win! I did 47 earlier so I passed by your 51 easily.
Me: Wait… that doesn’t count! You have to do them all at once – right now!
James: We never qualified that.
Me: This is totally bogus!
James: Life is bogus.
. . . . . . . . .
YEAH. That story is true and I had forgotten about it until I reread this draft! haha. What. A. Punk.
Anyway… on to the winner of the West Elm Faribault throw blanket give away!
Thanks to everybody who shared, liked and commented! You all rock! And you’re lucky I keep my word, because when the blanket (above) arrived in the mail yesterday I seriously contemplated keeping it for myself. 🙂 haha
The winner (randomly generated via some crazy random number generator website) is: Annie Concepcion!!
Shoot me an email so I can get your address and send you the blanket!! YAY!