I know I say this practically every day… but does time fly, or what?!
Sunday James and I spent the majority of our day in Madison celebrating our oldest nephew’s 6th birthday. It seriously feels like just yesterday when my sister and her husband received their adoption referral and we were all over-the-moon excited to welcome the first grandchild into our family. And now here we are! I can’t believe he’s already 6!!
Here’s a little glimpse into the balloon and cake-filled celebration! 🙂
Balloon Fiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!!!
The birthday boy & his many faces! 🙂
My secret favorite thing about kid’s birthday parties = kid’s food! (Can you say cheesy pigs in a blanket anyone?!)
This is her “put down the camera & hit the balloon back to me, Aunt Christy!” face…
This is her fake smile so I’ll seriously put the camera down this time… ha ha…
These two were BEYOND ADORABLE while they ate their cake. She had to have her hand on her big brother the entire time! Awwww!!!! *heart melts*
I know what you’re thinking… I have THE CUTEST niece & nephews ever… I know… I know… 🙂