Monthly Archives: October 2010

lerch family ~ family/children’s photography

I’ve been lucky enough to photograph this beautiful family for the past two years. They are such a loving, goofy bunch – it’s always great to spend the afternoon with them! 🙂 During our session I realized that apparently I’m now one of those people who says to kids, “Look how big you are! Last...


Most people have someone in their life who has been with them for a long time. Someone who witnessed the awkward teenage years, who knows your family, who saw you through various relationships and cities… someone who has been around for the long haul. Lucky for me, I have an entire group of girls who fits...

personal day

As some of you know (if you’ve seen any of my recent facebook statuses), I’m at the tail end of a 4-day weekend. However, rather than it being a legit, relaxing, long weekend… it was a busy, packed-to-the-brim weekend where I only got to spend about 4 hours total with James. I dragged him along...

sneak peek: lisa + brian ~ wedding photography

I just shot this wedding this past Saturday – but there were so many photos I was excited about that I couldn’t help but post a sneak peek already!  Lisa looked AMAZING and was such a fantastic bride to work with – I cannot say enough good things about her! Congratulations you two!! 🙂 …


Back when I used to have spare time, I was a very organized person. I’ve been called anal retentive and even OCD at different times in my life. But – it’s obvious I’m none of the above – because if I was I couldn’t be living the way I currently am. Seriously. There is no way...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
