I sent out the email to our VIPs early this week for our Chicago fall mini session dates & our Madison, WI date!! Madison is SOLD OUT already, and Chicago is getting close!! BUT! You still have a chance to snag one of the remaining time slots for Chicago!!!
Here is all the information!!!
Due to popular demand, this year we are having TWO DATES to choose from with two different locations – depending on your preference!! Here they are!!
DATE ONE: Sunday, October 28th, 2018
LOCATION: Nature Museum Grounds (Lincoln Park)
TIME SLOTS AVAILABLE (first come first serve):
DATE TWO: Sunday, November 4th, 2018
LOCATION: Lurie Garden (Millennium Park)
TIME SLOTS AVAILABLE (first come first serve):
20 minute shoot for up to 6 people
Digital download of ~20 edited images in color and black/white versions
Print ordering gallery
Personal print release
**If you are interested in reserving one of these time slots – please shoot me a message with which date you prefer (and if you’re open to doing the other date if your first choice is already booked full) AND your top two time slot choices!
Our booking system is all online, so you’ll be required to complete booking by signing a contract and putting down a 50% deposit to officially secure your session! I can’t wait to see you this fall!! 🙂