Oh how I loved these two immediately upon sitting down to chat over a couple of beers with them!! They have such warm hearts and were so easy to talk to – I just knew they were our people moments after greeting them. What’s even better is they are each other’s people. These two are quite simply – perfect for each other. Casey’s laid back demeanor is the perfect compliment to Ally’s super organized/planner/go-go-go tendencies. 🙂 (I know, because I am the same way!) These two both work so hard to chase down their dreams in their lives and I can only imagine what they will accomplish TOGETHER.
As you’ll see in the photos – rain showed up big time on their wedding day – but thankfully their bridal party was made up of total troopers! This group was not going to let a little rain get them down and they were SO wonderful about all of it!!! They even paid to extend the time we had the bus for Ally & Casey because the rain finally let up right when we were supposed to be heading back to cocktail hour – but thanks to their amazing friends we got to hit up one more gorgeous location and take advantage of the clear skies for some photos!!! I really can’t say enough about how wonderful everyone was (and really it shouldn’t have been a surprise to me because Ally & Casey are so amazing themselves!!)
Casey & Ally – Thank you Thank you Thank you for trusting us with documenting your beautiful day – even when the rain came pouring down! Thank you for believing that we could still make magic for you guys amid the raindrops and for always having smiles on your faces. We love you guys and hope you love these photos of your big day!! Now let’s grab some beers together already, okay?! 😉 XOXO ~ Christy & James
Oh my gosh – what a perfect day – even with the crazy rain storms! 🙂 Congratulations, you two!!! XOXO
~ Vendor Love ~