6-Month Twin Family Session by Caili Helsper

This past October we got together for a photo trade with my sweet and super talented friend, Caili!! Oh my gosh – I didn’t quite anticipate how stressful trying to get a family ready for photos is until I was doing it myself!! Now I know how my clients feel!! Ha!! The boys of course took the dreaded 40 minutes afternoon nap instead of a full nap on the day of our photos so by the time we got to our photo time they were such sleepy little zombies!! haha! They look so out of it in these pictures, but I love the photos just the same because they are our little family!!

Here are some of my favorites that Caili snapped, zombie babies and all! 😉 haha I can’t believe this was already 4 months ago and these two are well on their way to almost a year old in no time!! WHYYY!!! Time is going too quickly!!


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They seem so teeny here compared to now!! It’s craziness!! Thanks again for capturing these memories, Caili! We love you! xoxo

chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
