Monthly Archives: March 2014

FAQ: The First Look ~ Wedding Day Timeline Tips

Over the years I’ve had quite a few clients ask me my thoughts on whether or not they should do a First Look, and I’ve drafted similar emails over and over again… so I figured I should finally just write a blog post about it! (As some of you may remember, I have a First...

Serendipity + Happy Surprises ~ Our Infertility Journey

On a regular basis life surprises me. Sometimes things I expect to happen don’t… (like starting a family years ago). And sometimes opportunities I never dreamt of happening are presented to us and somehow they help everything else make a little more sense… (like photographing Tanya & Greg’s wedding in Hawaii last fall, which we...

Alice ~ Candid Chicago Baby Photography

So, in case I haven’t mentioned it before – my family and friends make the cutest babies… and I have more proof! Exhibit A: My cousin Sara’s ridiculously adorable and photogenic baby, Alice!!! I’m bummed because I don’t get to see this little one nearly as much as I’d like to – but I’m so...

Chicago Photography Workshop ~ Lacuna Loft Wedding

Well you guys – I’m definitely still in recovery mode from one exhausting, but AMAZING weekend!!! I honestly think I could sleep for a week straight! haha! I can’t wait to share more about the workshop soon, but for now I just had to show you a quick sneak peek of the styled shoot!!!  ...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
