30th Birthday/Going Full-Time Party!! ~ Chicago Wedding Photographer

Well. Here we are… we made it… my first official day of working for myself!! My boss seems pretty cool so far, but we’ll see how much I like her by the end of the week. 😉

I had a very busy week last week, and realized that I have been working in some form or another for the last 20 days straight without a day off. So after shooting an intimate backyard wedding on Saturday, and immediately running home to get ready for my “birthday/going full-time with photography” party, hosting lots of out-of-town guests (whom I love and am SO happy made it to celebrate with me!), and spending 7:30pm until 3am out and about celebrating – – I decided to spend Sunday relaxing, watching football, and sleeping. I think I deserved it, right? 🙂

And now I can start today refreshed and ready to get straight to work!


So to hold you over until I get the sessions ready to post that I’ve been super excited to share with you guys – here are some snappy-happy pics from my party Saturday! (Sadly, I wasn’t feeling so fabulous for the first few hours… due to complete exhaustion, I believe… so I didn’t get pics with everybody that came to celebrate with me, since I was a bit of a lame duck early on and not feeling good enough to leave my chair & socialize. I know… at my own party! Ugh. But after a few hours and moving indoors where I could stop shivering & relax, I started to feel better & was finally able to really enjoy the rest of the night!)


My attempt at popping a bottle of champagne for a photo – while everyone else looks on in fear/confusion… haha 🙂

Typical James & Chelsea: James picking on Chels… and Chelsea proving she can do the same to him (barely)!

My college ladies! We realized that it’s officially our 10-year “friendiversary” since we first met in the dorms back at UW. Crazy how time has flown!

My cousin Miles & brother Will came into town to help me celebrate! Yay!

… but we can only act normal for photos for so long… ha ha…

Cute couple! 🙂

Love my J! 🙂

I had trouble getting a pic of Rich (James’ brother) and Amanda looking at the camera… but this moment was cute I thought! 🙂

Love these ladies! (On the right: our unsuccessful attempt at looking ‘fierce’ per Kyle’s instructions + Will making a surprise appearance! ha ha)

Ended the night with some dancing and of course a shot of our shoes (required)!

Thank you so much for everyone (including many more people not pictured!) who came to celebrate with me!! It was an amazing night (once my body started to cooperate with me) – your support & love mean THE WORLD to me!  Love you all!! XOXO!


Now – time to Get. To. Work! 🙂


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chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
