This week has felt long, has it not? I’ve had way too many 4-day work weeks at the office lately for this 5-day work week to feel anything but exhausting. Don’t you agree? But happily – today is Friday! (Finally!) 🙂
I’ve spent most of my nights this week getting my new computer in order (so many programs to install – oy vey!). So, as I mentioned before, I didn’t get much (if any) editing done. I plan to do that this weekend… which means next week I should have some actual photo sessions to share with you all!
Anyway – I just wanted to say thanks for hanging in there with me this week… I feel like my posts were a bit on the ‘meh’ side of things… so I apologize for that. I think it may be the lack of sleep causing my brain to produce a bunch of jibberish. Or perhaps it’s a case of the post-holiday blues… Whatever the reason may be, thanks for sticking this week out with me all you lovely people out in internet land! 🙂
And because I can’t leave you without a photo… I thought I’d share this one of James and I from our wedding. (I know you’re stoked! haha) When I was copying pictures over from a hard drive I haven’t used in a while to my computer (because I have space for that now!) I came across our wedding photos – a majority of which I haven’t ever seen (kind of crazy, I know). You see, my good friends from photo school shot our wedding, so they gave me all the images to edit and do whatever I wanted with… which you think would be awesome – but it is so many images to go through! (This is why we cull images for all you brides & grooms out there… trust me, you don’t want to see every photo we take on your wedding day…) Anyway – hence why I haven’t even seen all of ours and just tonight stumbled upon this one… It made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
I think I want to renew our vows already. Is that silly?
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Photo by Jon Hamblin & Patrick Sablan |
Happy Friday you guys! xoxo ~ Christy 🙂