Tag Archives: ethiopian adoption

Happy 2nd Birthday Sunshine! ~ Chicago Wedding Photographer

Todays is my niece’s 2nd birthday! Yay!!! It’s hard to believe that this time last year Sunshine* was still in Ethiopia, where she celebrated her 1st birthday… while we were all back here, missing her so much, & praying that she would be coming home to meet us all soon! Thankfully, this year was different...

the wait is over (!!!)

James and I are off today – heading to Wisconsin to meet my sister and her husband at the airport when they arrive back from Ethiopia with their beautiful daughter!!! It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for this moment… but I’m sure the wait will be worthwhile when we finally lay eyes on our...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
