Tag Archives: chicago wedding photography workshop

A 2-Day Business Intensive Wedding Photography Workshop

Hello, loves!!! I am SOOO excited to get our new and improved advanced workshop launched!!! We’ve been doing advanced workshops for a handful of years now, but I felt like it was time for an adjustment since I started offering our artificial lighting specific workshop too. Rather than double cover content about lighting and shooting over...

Behind the Scenes of The Workshop ~ Chicago Photography Workshop

It took me a full week to rest up and recover after a truly amazing couple of days last week hosting our 4th annual CTP Workshop!!! We had eight lovely ladies (our 9th attendee got stuck in Seattle thanks to plane delays & cancellations and couldn’t make it!) join us in Chicago for the 2-day intensive...

Registration Open!! Christy Tyler Photography Workshop ~ Chicago, IL

** THE EARLY BIRD RATE IS GOOD THROUGH JANUARY 1ST!! ** I’m super excited to announce the dates for our next Workshop!!!! We’ve had quite a few people reach out to us over the past year asking when our next workshop would be (and we considered adding another date, to make it a twice yearly thing – but...

The Off Season Scramble ~ Chicago Loft Wedding Photographer

I can’t believe it is already a week into November because that means that our season is wrapping up! Where has the time gone?! As usual at this time of year – I’m doing the off season scramble! You know – where you’re shooting constantly in order to get everybody’s holiday card photos and engagement...

Sneak Peek: Christy Tyler Workshops ~ Chicago Wedding Photographer

Oh my goodness you guys. Here I sit on Sunday night… the ladies from my Chicago photography workshop just headed out and I can’t even begin to wrap my head around this weekend. All I keep thinking is – I hope to goodness I made a difference in all 8 of these women’s lives… I...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
