Tag Archives: A Practical Wedding

Catie + Nick ~ Oak Hill ~ Galena Wedding Photography (Part 1)

I attempted to make this all one post – but then it just kept growing, and growing, and growing! So – I decided to split this into two for you guys! 🙂 (In case you forgot how much I love Catie and Nick, you should go read about it here.)   I’m not really sure...

eleanor + eric ~ st. louis wedding photography

I had the pleasure of photographing my first APW couple, Eleanor & Eric, in St. Louis just over a week ago. (And let me tell you – they did not disappoint my expectations that all people I meet through APW are instant friends and genuinely amazing people.) Because they live 5 hours away, I didn’t...

Welcome to our little home on the internet where we share all things life, love, and photography! We are James & Christy Tyler, wedding & lifestyle photographers based out of Chicago, whose stories here are told via Christy's perspective (because she's the chatty one). :)



chicago & worldwide

Christy & James are Chicago based but happily travel anywhere in the world that beautiful love stories take them!
